The 2-Minute Rule for cardone grant book

The media's consistent 24 Hr turmoil protection is damaging the hopes and dreams of humanity and is THE reason you discover your individuals not encouraged enough to get their tasks done. I fear the media's perpetual sensationalizing of problem more than I do the hazard of pandemic flu's, wars and a faltering economy combined.

I know they say they desire to provide all sides which the general public has a right to understand everything but notification that 95% of all their protection is negative, and the more negative and sensational the story the more they cover it! The media knows that murder, sex, conspiracies, company failures, worry, and scandals sell papers and marketing. They further sustain the fires of chaos and despondence as they continue to share the unfavorable with no regard for the effect their reporting has on the general public's psychological and mental state. Your individuals are being trained to be apathetic, to quit and quit and that nothing can be done to make their lives better.

The media thrives on and depends on problem for its survival, like a parasite gnawing at its organism, sucking hope from whole populations of the people they call viewers. It rotates its coverage from one sensational event to the next up until the story wears, and after that it looks for the next fear-provoking story. It's protection consists of terrorism to conspiracy, bank failures to personal bankruptcy, and then exploits joblessness and foreclosures. When all that tires, it transfers to the pandemic influenza's calling 1000 infected a pandemic. And if you don't take note then they promote the possibility that the viewers are ending up being complacent, setting us all up for a major catastrophe in the future. It is non-stop, endless and competitive reporting of chaos without any end and no solution.

They validate their reporting by calling it liberty of speech and public awareness but the genuine objective is to create as much fear as possible in order to offer their papers and advertising. It is intriguing that the pharmaceutical business that sell pills for all your fears, unreasonable ideas, habits and problems are the media's greatest income. Negativeness, bad news, and attention on problems eliminate more is Grant Cardone dreams than all the criminal activity and wars combined kill people. All you have to do is walk the streets of any medium-sized city on the planet and you will see mass numbers of individuals walking with their heads down, shoulders plunged, afraid, hopeless and apathetic. This was not the emotional condition of humanity fifty years ago before 800 TELEVISION channels, the internet and newspapers. YOU MUST grant cardone email template COUNTER THE NEGATIVE NEWS YOUR PEOPLE WITH POSITIVE, PLANNED, INSTRUCTIONAL SOLUTIONS ON A DAILY BASIS UTILIZING VIDEO TO OFFSET THE MEDIAS NEGATIVE ATTACK. Conferences once or twice a week are not enough to counter the media's continuous and relentless bombarding of of your individuals.

This attack is not restricted to the media but ought to include anyone that is focused on perpetuating problem and negativeness; like your family, buddies, loved ones, neighbors, workers, management and colleagues. The constant dedication and dissemination of negativity, fear and buzz ought to be grant cardone amazon prohibited from your work environment with individuals being sent house for being negative. You don't desire individuals at work that are sick spreading a virus so why would you endure them spreading problem.

Now is the time for each of us to focus on services not problems, hope not fear, and the positive not the unfavorable. Life is challenging enough you do not need anybody making it more tough. Write your regional paper and your preferred TELEVISION channel and inform them you are ill of their consistent coverage of mayhem. Inform those around you that you will no longer endure them spreading bad news, gossip and chaos. And right away put in place daily conferences in the workplace that concentrate on the favorable and provide people with options of how they can make it through, be successful and flourish. Call 800-368-5771 if you desire your individuals on a day-to-day program that will get them concentrated on ways to get your individuals motivated daily.

Grant Cardone, author of Sell To Survive, is being called The Business owner for the 21st Century. Beginning from modest starts, he is now the founder and owner of 3 multi-million dollar companies: an effective software company, a sales training and consulting business, and a real estate business with a portfolio valued at over 100 million dollars. Cardone also speaks worldwide to market leaders, supervisors, CEOs and business owners on sales, loan, finance, service techniques and service growth. see
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